The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Hi everyone! Since graduating, I've moved in with another female roommate. It's a pretty good deal -- she cooks me meals, pays for all the groceries and covers my rent. Yeah, I'm living with my mom. I graduated in the summer of 2008 with a B.A. in Philosophy and Honors B.A. in Sociology and a gpa of 3.7. After graduation, I had high hopes of spending some time with my family back in South Florida, then high-tailing it out of there back to the northeast. No such luck. After the zillionth rejected job application, I began interning at the American Red Cross Greater Miami & The Keys in the financial development department. After a couple months, they started paying me as an administrative assistant...yay! I now make enough money to do significant damage to the McDonald's dollar menu. While I'm living at home, I am working towards a master's in Applied Statistics though Penn State's World Campus. I would love to pursue a career in social policy research or public opinion polling (::cough::hire me!::cough::). This is one little lion that is ready to leave the den. WE ARE PENN STATE, Kate